Entrance overview, by Dirk Unger, 4/04
Lat: 38.57808 (N 38°34.685') (N 38°34'41.1") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.49415 (W121°29.649') (W121°29'38.9")(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)
6/24/06: Chargers have been relocated to the right of the elevators.
11/10/04: Yazaki charger has been removed.
2/8/02:: David Modisette 1/30/02. There is one Avcon conductive charger here, and one Yazaki for an older RAV4 EV that David charges here.
As you can see from the photo, this is a popular parking spot for EV's and all the spots are usually taken by 8am. (Dirk Unger, 4/04.)
Driving directions:
L Street is one-way Westbound, and 10th Street is one-way Northbound. Enter on 10th Street - the garage will be on your right.
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Located on the second floor, near the elevator to 10th Street. To reach the spaces, proceed to the 4th level and return to the second level. Charger were moved on 6/23/06: they were on the left side of the elevator as you face the elevator, and now are on the right side of the elevator. Photos are of old parking spots.
5/07: Added photos of new parking spots. The 10th St. entrance forces
you up the ramp to the 4th floor. Turn to head back downhill when you
can, and look for the elevators on the second floor. All chargers spots
are to the right of the elevators.
-- Darell Dickey 4/07.
Nearby charging locations:
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
near the City library, State Capitol, Capitol Park, California Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, many downtown restaurants and shops, and sites of historic and political interest. Crest Theater, IMAX Theater, Cathedral, and light rail nearby.
4 Raters:
Tom Dowling, Darell Dickey
Equipment model and serial number info:
L to R: (A, B, C)
All Gen 2+ SPI:
A : SM5276P0109009C, cable 323
B: SM5276P0049027A-. cable 144
C: SM5276P0046020A-. cable 96
Old configuration prior to 7/3/06:
A: Gen 2+ SM5276P0109009C (replaced SM5276P0042006A-, cable 295 on 6/23/06, which replaced SM5276P0046017A on 11/09/04)
B: Gen 2+ SM5276P0045020A- (replaced SM5276P0047003A-, cable 31 in 7/05)
C: ICS200B EV00600 TR0799350 or TR0798359 (one number read in error, to be verified)
Meter readings::
ICS 200B 839 kWh 11/9/04
8139 kWh 7/28/05
New configuration, by Darell Dickey, 4/07.2
New configuration, by Darell Dickey, 4/07.
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:26 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
7/12/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
7/5/06: Changed from 2 SPI, 1 AVC to 3 SPI, 0 AVC.
6/24/06: Revised model and serial number info, added note to charger location about relocation to right side of elevator. Added 2 5-20 OC, 120V.
7/30/05: Revised model and serial number info.
11/17/04: Added photo.
11/10/04: Changed name of garage, removed Yazaki charger, added serial numbers and meter reading.
4/30/04: Added photos, comment.
11/30/03: Corrected lat/lon, added alt.
11/18/03: Added charger location, updated status, added to do, driving directions and comments, and deleted EV1 Club link.
5/2/02: Updated per TDdb.
4/21/02: Imported from EV1 Club db.
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.