Lat: 38.57830 (N 38°34.698') (N 38°34'41.9") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.48997 (W121°29.398') (W121°29'23.9")
Lat/Lon notes:
Geocoded from
Elevation: 20 feet.
Chargers are nearly always ICEd. May be removed soon.
12/3/2006: visited site. Both spots ICEd as usual. Power is on. Gen2+ lights up. DS50 did not test looks ok. TWD
Driving directions:
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
On your right as you first enter the garage parking area from the up ramp.
Nearby charging locations:
10th and I
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
Dowtown -- Esquire theater (IMAX), Esquire Grill, Convention Center.
Contact information:
Attendant says to get permission for changes from bldg. Engr., Brian, 916-825-9300.
3 Raters:
Darrell Singleton 3/07
Equipment model and serial number info:
Gen 2+, DS-50
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:48:01 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
9/24/2008: New site added.
(Site has been in existence for several years.)
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.