EV Charger News

Charging Station Site Number 95814_19

Status as of 1/30/2011: In service.

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Sacramento City Public Garage
(Lot I) - City Hall Garage

10th & I Sts. -Waterfall Bldg.-, 8th floor
Sacramento - Downtown, California 95814

Site ID:  95814_19      Thomas Bros. Maps Page and Grid™:   297-D3

Restricted parking.  Details:   Information needed.

Pay parking.  Details:  Information needed.

Charging facilities at this site:
  6 - Small paddle
  9 - Avcon
  7 - Other
     Other types:  
six 5-20 120V GFCI;
one CS-60 208V charging station with ODU (Mini-e) connector

Nominal supply voltage for this site:  208V

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Lat:  38.58142 (N 38°34.885') (N 38°34'53.1")   (WGS 84 datum)
Lon:-121.49282 (W121°29.569') (W121°29'34.1")
(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)

Elevation: 212 feet.

12/28/06: Site refurbished. Now 5 SPI (was 5), 9 AVC (was 10).
11/10/04: Construction work completed ahead of schedule. Site is now available again. However, site will be closed for additional construction 11/25/04 through 11/28/04.
11/7/04: Location down until about 11/12/04 due to construction.
All OK as of 5/25/04.
Previous problems repaired, but second SPI from the left will not charge.
One SPI missing paddle, one AVC missing cable, one AVC System error. Reported to CFCI and SMUD 11/5/03. Lots of other charging stations working, though.

There is another site on the 2d floor of the same garage. 8th floor is primarily for CARB vehicles, but may be used by public vehicles if space is available.
Free parking with City of Sacramento EV Parking Permit.
Official address 1126-11th St.

Driving directions:
Across from Cal EPA/CARB building.
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.

How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
The eighth floor is the roof of the garage. Not covered parking.

Nearby charging locations:

Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.

Things to do:
Downtown Sacramento, CARB.

4  Raters:
Tom Dowling

Equipment model and serial number info:
Inductive, from left to right:
1) TAL S0207117 cable 411
2) TAL S0210013 cable 433
3) TAL S0010090 cable 854
4) TAL S0210017 cable 460
5) TAL S0204105 cable 247
6) TAL S0210019 cable 436
7) TAL S0207114 cable 461
TAL S0010090 3rd from left new paddle no cable serial number, then cable serial 854

7 TAL 9 ICS200B 1 DS50
Conductive, from left to right:
1)ICS200B cfg TR0600 ser TR-12-00-013 49.4 kWh
2) ICS200B cfg TR0607 ser TR-07-00-033 57.8 kWh
3)ICS200B cfg TR0600 ser TR-12-00-026 37.0 kWh
4) ICS200B cfg TR0601 ser TR(illegible, defaced) 2379 kWh
5) ICS200B cgf TR0601 ser TR-05-00-013 1029 kWh
6) DS50 cfg S2-10 ser DP00-01-0054 no voice
7) ICS200B cfg TR0600 ser TR12-09-047 1351 kWh
8) ICS200B cfg TR0600 ser TR1098013 no voice
9) ICS200B cfg TR0607 ser TR12-00-039 2013 kWh
10) ICS200B cfg TR0600 ser TR12-00-055 29.7 kWh

Meter readings::
See above for readings 5/25/04

by Tom Dowling, 11/03

by Tom Dowling, 11/03

by Tom Dowling, 11/03

Check out the "I Was There" reports for this site, or leave one of your own, using the EVChargerMaps system. "I Was there" reports are important, even (or perhaps especially) if all is well. Please submit a report whenever you visit a charging station.
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Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:30 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.

Revision History:
11/10/2010: Changed SPI from 5 to 6.
8/30/09: Added CS-60 Mini-e charging station.
12/28/06: Changed SPI from 7 to 6, AVC from 10 to 9.
9/15/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
2/21/2005: Added "I Was There" report.
11/17/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
11/10/04: Changed status to OK.
11/8/04: Corrected date in status field.
11/7/04: Changed to DOWN LOC, added City Hall to name..
6/4/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
6/4/04: Changed from PROB LOC to OK. Added serial numbers and kWh readings.
5/16/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/2/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
4/2/04: Minor editing correction.
1/7/04: updated IWT. Still a minor problem.
11/29/03: Corrected lat/lon, added alt.
11/5/03: Updated to problem status. Also increased AVC count from 7 to 10.
9/2/03: updated rating, comments.
6/8/03: Added new site.
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