Lat: 38.35066 (N 38°21.040') (N 38°21'02.4") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.99474 (W121°59.684') (W121°59'41.0")(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)
2/6/06: Avcon charger is now operational.
4/28/04: See IWT. Conductive charger at Public Works end of City Hall not operating. Suspect broken wire in cable as occasionally we are able to bend the cable just right to get the charger to work.
12/16/03: Charger repaired. All OK at this site now.
12/3/03: One TAL charger will not charge RAV4 EVs, but will charge S10Es and EV1s.
24 hour access.
Driving directions:
Directions: From I-80 heading west, take the Alamo/Merchant exit; road turns into Merchant St. (From I-80 heading east, take the Alamo/Merchant exit, stay in the left hand lane, and after going back over I-80, make a right onto Merchant St.) Pass one additional light, and make a left onto Lovers Lane. Turn right into City Hall parking lot;
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Eight small-paddle inductive chargers are available in the back parking lot
at City Hall with eighteen spaces having access to those eight chargers.
The chargers are near the east end of the lot, near the Public Works Administration entrance.
Nearby charging locations:
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
There are restaurants right across the street, and nearby in downtown Vacaville.
4 Raters:
Makuto Tsuda 11/02; Darell Dickey 2/04
Equipment model and serial number info:
ICS200B: F0489009, TR1200040, F0498011
Gen 2+: SM5276P0115028C
TAL: S0010052 (median island #1), S0104059, S0104063, S0010038, S0007055, S0210114 (median island #6)
S0210110 (median island #7 cracked handle 6/24/03
Also, S0010053 4Q00 was listed as median island #5 in a report by Ed Huestis 6/24/03.
by Tom Dowling, 5/01. Notice the Nissan HyperMinis in the photo. These belong to the City of Vacaville.
by Tom Dowling, 3/04. It doesn't always rain in Vacaville!
by Tom Dowling, 3/04. Voltageville!
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:55 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
7/12/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
12/28/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
9/15/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
2/6/05: Changed status to OK.
2/21/2005: Added "I Was There" report.
11/17/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
9/2/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
9/2/04: Changed Avcon count from 3 1o 1. Chargers at the North end of City Hall have been removed due to construction.
5/16/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/1/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
4/28/04: Posted IWT, changed to prob loc.
2/25/04: Changed to restricted parking.
1/2/04: updated IWT.
12/16/03: Changed status back to OK.
12/3/03: Revised status, added prob loc.
11/7/03: Added serial numbers per SMUD list., added photo.
9/1/03: Added rating.
6/5/03: now 8 SPI here.
6/5/02: 6 SPI not 5 per physical observation by twd.
5/21/02: 5 SPI, not SPI, per MagneCharge list.
4/21/02: Imported from EV1 Club db.
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.