EV Charger News
Other EV-related information.
Revised 12/1/05.
A collection of EV-related information:

- Video clip of Tom Hanks' 3/22/04 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman. Length approximately six minutes.
Choose either the low-bandwidth 4MB *.WMV version or the high-bandwidth 29MB *.MPG verson. Tom talks about his RAV4 EV and his Prius, and about his association with a company that will be converting internal combustion vehicles to BEVs. Thanks to Darell Dickey for capturing and rendering the video. Uploaded 3/29/04.
- 2002 RAV4 EV Features Brochure, Owners Manual, Service Manual, and Service Bulletins. Uploaded 11/09/03.
- 1997 RAV4 EV brochures, courtesy of Karen and Steve Casner. Uploaded 10/23/03.
- ABC video. (MPG, 26 MB, suitable for those with high-speed connections only.)
This video aired 6/22/03. Save the file to your local drive, then open it to view.
Thanks to Greg Hanssen for capturing and uploading this video.
- CBS video. (MPG, 24 MB, suitable for those with high-speed connections only.)
This video aired 3/11/03. Save the file to your local drive, then open it.
Thanks to Greg Hanssen for capturing and uploading this video.
- Miscellaneous RAV4 EV photos
- How to set the RAV4 EV charge timers for pre-heating and pre-cooling at the end of charging.
- Palm program to do the calculations for pre-ac, which can be used to avoid charging to 100%, as well as to actually pre-heat or pre-cool at the end of charging.
- California EV Parking Decal Application
From the DMV Web site: "This form is used to apply for a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Parking Decal. A ZEV decal, when affixed to the rear driver side window or back bumper of an electric vehicle, authorizes the owner to park and recharge the vehicle in designated parking spaces."
(There seems to be a little confusion between an EV and a ZEV -- academic for now.)
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