We've had many requests for a mailing list dedicated to EV Charger News. Many want charger news in one place, not mixed in with other mail. Some wish to receive charger-related mail without subscribing to a vehicle-specific list.
Now it's here -- the EVChargerNews mailing list.
This list is a Mailman list -- very similar to the RAV4-EV list, the S10-EV list and the EV1-Ncal list. It's intended for news items relating to the status of EV chargers -- "I Was There" reports, notices of new chargers, etc. You can subscribe to a daily digest if you wish, or to individual messages. There will be an archive.
This list is being established on an experimental basis. Let's see how many users sign up. I won't stop sending charger-related e-mail to the other vehicle-specific lists until and unless the new list has a very high percentage of the interested parties signed up.
If you wish to subscribe, here's the URL:
If you have problems subscribing, or have any comments prior to subscribing, send an email to info@evchargernews.com
Gil Dawson and I are still dedicated to keeping the EV Charger News up to date and as useful to EV drivers as possible. Thanks for all your support.
Tom Dowling
Gil Dawson